Shamrock, Fast Pace, Fondness Of You, River Of Gold, Siege Courageous and Bharat shine

Shamrock, Fast Pace, Fondness Of You, River Of Gold, Siege Courageous and Bharat shone when the horses were exercised here on Wednesday morning (Dec 27)

Inner sand:

600m: Loving Pearl (R. Pradeep) 40. Moved well.

Outer sand:

600m: Auspicious Queen (Rajesh K) 45. Moved on the bit. Acaster (R. Pradeep) 44. Moved attractively. Asagiri (Ashok) 44. Worked well. The Intruder (R. Pradeep) 43.5. Strode out well. Art Of Romance (Mark), Jersey King (Tousif) 44.5. They finished level. Knotty Challenger (B. Harish) 44.5. Moved freely. Serai (I. Chisty) 44. Pushed. Divine Masculine (Rajesh K) 44. Easy. A 2-y-o (Phoenix Tower – Symi) (Naveen K), Rock Bank (Chetan K) 44.5. Former finished three lengths ahead.

1000m: Helios (I. Chisty), Friya (R. Pradeep) 1-16.5, 600/42.5. Former finished five lengths ahead. Flight On (B. Harish) 1-16, 600/45. In fine trim. Golden Light (I. Chsity) 1-15, 600/42.5. Stretched in the last part. River Of Gold (I. Chisty) 1-14, 600/41.5. Moved fluently.

1200m: Raffles (Mark) 1-30.5, (1,200-600) 42. Eased up. Roman Spirit (Mark) 1-27, 1,000/1-11, 600/43. Strode out well. Siege Courageous (Indrajeet) 1-28, 1,000/1-13, 600/43.5. Pleased. Bharat (P. Trevor) 1-27.5, 1,000/1-12, 600/44. Shaped well. A 2-y-o (Phoenix Tower – Express Lady) (P. Trevor) 1-31, 1,000/1-16, 600/45.5. In fine trim. Fondness Of You (Salman K) 1-27, 1,000/1-11, 600/44. Moved impressively.

1400m: Kamet (Antony) 1-46, 1,200/1-30.5, 1,000/1-15.5, 600/45.5. Moved freely. Shamrock (Ashok) 1-39.5, 1,200/1-24, 1,000/1-9.5, 600/41. A pleasing display. Jamari (P. Trevor) 1-44, 1,200/1-29, 1,000/1-14.5, 600/44. Moved with plenty in hand. Fast Pace (Saddam H) 1-41.5, 1,200/1-24, 1,000/1-10, 600/42. A good display. Ruling Dynasty (Chetan K) 1-46, 1,200/1-30.5, 1,000/1-15, 600/45. Moved freely. Tehani (Shreyas) 1-46.5, (1,400-600) 59. Eased up. Last Wish (Vivek) 1-45, 1,200/1-28.5, 1,000/1-13.5, 600/45.5. In fine trim.

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