8 Montessori-Inspired Toys That You Can Get At Walmart

In case you’re unfamiliar, Montessori is a childhood educational philosophy that emphasizes self-led instruction among children — but the term is beginning to take on aesthetic meaning, especially when it comes to toys.

One look at social media will show you that the “Montessori” designation has become shorthand for any toy that’s made primarily of wood (or other natural materials) and decorated with a restrained color scheme. While the Montessori educational principles don’t necessarily dictate that toys have to be neutral in color or natural in composition, it does place an emphasis on “calm, muted colors and items that reflect real-world, natural beauty,” according to Guidepost Montessori.

If you’re in search of more muted colors in your playroom or the environmentally and emotionally pleasing absence of excessive plastic, flashing lights, and cloying sound effects, you could try swapping out a few battery-operated gadgets in favor of some simple wooden playthings at home. And while these trinkets can often be pricey, Walmart has plenty of excellent and affordable options to choose from.

Read on to see some of our favorite options.

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